Dharma the science of health, happiness, and spiritual inspiration
Dharma Yoga Australia
Sooner or later as we evolve mentally and spiritually certain questions automatically surface to the conscious mind and begin to challenge pre programmed accepted beliefs and common patterns of thinking which are normally passed down from childhood and reinforced throughout life in cultural settings. During this transition of timeline, questions such as :-"Who am I really?"," Is there a divine plan & creator?", " Was my birth simply luck? " Can I really influence my destiny?" "Does the law of attraction really work?" And if so! "How can the techniques be learnt and mastered?". These recurring questions and mental anomalies will challenge and occupy the mind of the new initiate until considered effort is made to bring resolution. At this auspicious junction in time, the journey of self discovery begins and the seekers perception of reality will never remain the same again as a contentious interlude will challenge all preconceived assumptions and beliefs. This time of internal reflection will in turn awaken a quantum leap in perception and foresight as mother nature heeds the call. It is not uncommon in the early and the intermediate stages of self realization to be misled and become disillusioned with the so called circus hamster wheel and materialistic agendas of some organizations which thrive on truth seekers. If the truth seeker is sincere in their quest, patient in their demure and unswayed by bias opinions, clarity and inner peace will prevail. The internal call will be met via guidance from the intermittent wise teachers of the light that will cross their path and awaken nature's dormant mental soul elixir and revive personal experience from the fruits of focused determination. At Dharma yoga, our aim is to dispel any misunderstanding about the science of yoga and esoteric knowledge and restore balance and clarity to one of the most profound teachings known to mankind to date. Understanding and practice of this vast science has the potential to enhance our lives as it brings authenticity, clarity, purpose and true expression of unconditional love to this amazing journey that we may humbly call life. |
Dharma Yoga Health Centre
Melbourne Australia was conceptualized and initiated in 1993 with the aim being to create a positive nurturing environment where like minds could meet on a regular basis. discuss different theories, gain clarity and understanding and exchange ideas relating to spiritual emotional, physical and mental topics. Genuine realized teachers are very rare, and under normal circumstances, almost impossible to find. From my own experience, at the start of my journey over 45 years ago I was often disappointed with hollow promises. With determination and persistence, in time I did find wise teachers who clarified and demonstrated to me that there is an 'Enlightened intelligence' beyond our mental comprehension which governs and assists in the evolution of our vast, multi-dimensional universe, and every living atom and subatomic particle within it. We as humans, are at advantage as we have evolved to the point where we now have at our disposal a bilateral cognitive brain and a conscious developed mind that has the potential to "Awaken our dormant instinctive omnipotent abilities" and consciously connect us to the architect of this amazing universe if we sincerely have the desire and determination to challenge the matrix. I am often asked what is the difference between Dharma yoga and other schools of yoga. My response is always the same, there is only one objective in a pure yoga practice and all sincere teachers within the tradition are doing their best to impart their understanding of yoga and its practices with an aim to inspire realization. As in all fields of knowledge there are teachers which resonate at different levels in comprehension and dissemination. The seeker must review what it is that they are seeking to achieve and find a genuine teacher who will guide them correctly towards achieving their desired goals. At Dharma yoga, our aim is to dispel any misunderstanding about the science of yoga and to bring back clarity to one of the most profound teachings known to mankind to date. Understanding and practice of this vast science has the potential to enhance our lives as it brings clarity, purpose and unconditional love to this amazing journey that we call life. Dharma literally means "that which holds your true nature". In practice it implies that one should consciously choose a way of life and maintain this to one’s own highest standards. |
Yoga Principals
" those who cannot face the world have not yet understood how powerful they really are and that the mind is simply reflecting it's own belief upon itself ". The original meaning of the word Yoga (union) or to join is often explained as having two aspects. 1. To reintegrate consciously with the creator of this vast and multidimensional universe. 2. To consciously connect to all aspects and parts of one's complete true self. Yoga is a methodology that quickens the process of the ordinary unfolding of consciousness. The system of Yoga is traditionally categorized into two parts with many off shoots. 1. The physiological aspect of yoga is called Hatha yoga 2. The approach to mind development and mental mastery is called Raja yoga. At Dharma yoga our specialized classes are designed to give the student a complete mind and body yoga experience. Dharma Yoga utilizes the teachings and inspiration of the Himalayan yoga tradition to assist each student to develop to their full potential naturally with clear guidance. Swami Bua (my teacher) suggested to me that I should open a Yoga learning centre in Melbourne so that seekers of truth could find an Oasis to interact with like minds. If you have read this far I salute you for taking the time to review what we have to offer at Dharma and with an open humble heart I wish you sincere inner peace and clarity in every thought, and love along the path of realization and full illumination! Jean-Alain d'Argent ( Dharma) Director Dharma Yoga |
Teachers are available for corporate sessions, workshops and retreats.
Please contact the centre with your enquiries and we will be happy to be of assistance.